E-Digital Marketing How to track competitor’s price changes on Amazon?

How to track competitor’s price changes on Amazon?

Category: Amazon

There are several softwares  that offer API integrations for tracking competitor prices on Amazon.

Some of the popular ones include:

  1. Jungle Scout: Jungle Scout is a comprehensive Amazon seller tool that includes a pricing tool to help monitor your competitors. You can set up alerts to receive notifications of price changes, and the software also provides data on your competitors’ sales and inventory levels.
  2. Helium 10: Helium 10 is an all-in-one Amazon seller software that includes a pricing tool to help you monitor your competitors. You can use their API to track price changes and receive notifications when prices go up or down.
  3. Keepa: Keepa is a price tracking tool that offers API integration with Amazon to help you monitor competitor prices. You can track price changes across multiple marketplaces and receive alerts when prices change.
  4. AMZ Tracker: AMZ Tracker is another popular Amazon seller tool that includes a pricing tool to help you monitor your competitors. You can use their API to track price changes and receive notifications when prices go up or down.
  5. PriceYak: PriceYak is a dropshipping tool that includes a price monitoring feature to help you track your competitors’ prices on Amazon. You can use their API to monitor prices and receive notifications when prices change.

These are just a few examples of the many paid software options available that offer API integrations for tracking competitor prices on Amazon. It’s important to do your research and compare the features and pricing of each option before making a decision.

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