E-Digital Marketing Who is selling your brand on Amazon?

Who is selling your brand on Amazon?

Category: Amazon

If you suspect that someone is selling your brand on Amazon, there are several ways to verify and take action:

  1. Conduct a Brand Search: Conduct a search on Amazon using your brand name and product keywords to see if anyone is selling products under your brand name. Check the product titles, descriptions, and images for any potential infringements or violations.
  2. Monitor Your ASINs: Monitor your ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) regularly to ensure that no one is selling counterfeit or unauthorized products under your brand name.
  3. Use Amazon’s Brand Registry: Register your brand with Amazon’s Brand Registry program to gain more control over your product listings and protect your brand from infringement and unauthorized sellers.
  4. Report Infringement: If you find any instances of infringement or unauthorized use of your brand on Amazon, report them immediately using Amazon’s reporting tools and follow up with Amazon’s support team to ensure that appropriate action is taken.
  5. Use Brand Protection Services: Consider using a brand protection service or software, such as Brandlox, to monitor your brand on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms for any potential infringement or unauthorized use. These services can help you identify and take action against unauthorized sellers and counterfeiters.


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